33 found
  1. (2 other versions)Does moral philosophy rest on a mistake?H. A. Prichard - 1912 - Mind 21 (81):21-37.
    Probably to most students of Moral Philosophy there comes a time when they feel a vague sense of dissatisfaction with the whole subject. And the sense of dissatisfaction tends to grow rather than to diminish. It is not so much that the positions, and still more the arguments, of particular thinkers seem unconvincing, though this is true. It is rather that the aim of the subject becomes increasingly obscure. "What," it is asked, "are we really going to learn by Moral (...)
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  2. Knowledge And Perception.H. A. Prichard - 1950 - Oxford,: Oxford University Press.
  3. (1 other version)Duty and Ignorance of Fact.H. A. Prichard - 1932 - Philosophy 8 (30):226-228.
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  4. (1 other version)Knowledge and Perception.H. A. Prichard - 1950 - Philosophy 25 (95):358-360.
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  5.  27
    The Obligation to Keep a Promise.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    A promise to do some action seems to create a binding obligation to do that action. And yet, paradoxically, an obligation seems not to be a fact that we can create or bring into existence; we can create an obligation only by creating or bringing into existence something else. The only way to avoid the paradox is to show that the act of promising creates something other than an obligation, which nonetheless binds us to perform the action in question. After (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Kants Theory of Knowledge.H. A. Prichard - 1910 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 18 (3):25-26.
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  7. What Is The Basis of Moral Obligation?H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In Jim MacAdam, Moral Writings. Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    To the question ‘What is the basis of moral obligation?’, argues that there is no general answer. It is improper to imply that all right acts are right for the same reason. Before defending this view, considers two possible grounds for moral obligation: 1) the goodness of the effects of an action, and 2) the goodness of the act itself. Whereas the former, which is broadly utilitarian, fails to comply with our real moral convictions, the latter does not capture well (...)
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  8.  15
    Acting, Willing, Desiring.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    To the question ‘What does it mean to act or to do something?’, replies that it is not easy to identify a common character in actions. Begins by examining the position of Cook Wilson, who maintains that ‘to do something’ means to originate, cause, or bring into existence, either directly or indirectly, some not yet existing state either in oneself or some other body. Although Prichard agrees that usually action involves causing something, he observes that causing a change is not (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Mr. Bertrand Russell on our knowledge of the external world.H. A. Prichard - 1915 - Mind 24 (94):145-185.
  10.  50
    (1 other version)A criticism of the psychologists' treatment of knowledge.H. A. Prichard - 1907 - Mind 16 (61):27-53.
  11.  13
    Exchanging.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The act of exchanging one thing for another seems to involve a promise. The confidence needed to relinquish something one has on the understanding that one will receive what another has in exchange can be expressed in terms of resolve. In binding oneself, one thinks that if the other binds himself or herself to perform a given action, then he or she will do that action. In cases in which one person's action does not precede the other's, one's promise involves (...)
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  12. (2 other versions)Moral Obligation. Essays and Lectures.H. A. Prichard - 1950 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 55 (2):209-210.
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  13. Duty and Interest. An Inaugural Lecture Delivered before the University of Oxford, on October 29, 1928.H. A. Prichard - 1929 - Humana Mente 4 (14):259-261.
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  14.  68
    Appearances and reality.--I.H. A. Prichard - 1906 - Mind 15 (58):223-229.
  15.  67
    Professor John cook Wilson.H. A. Prichard - 1919 - Mind 28 (111):297-318.
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  16.  63
    The Meaning of àγaθóν in the "Ethics" of Aristotle.H. A. Prichard - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (37):27 - 39.
    I have for some time found it increasingly difficult to resist a conclusion so heretical that the mere acceptance of it may seem a proof of lunacy. Yet the failure of a recent attempt to resist it has led me to want to confess the heresy. And at any rate a statement of my reasons may provoke a refutation.
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  17.  10
    A Conflict of Duties.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In his general account of moral thought, Prichard holds that to regard a given action as right, we must imagine ourselves to be in a certain set of circumstances. In doing so, we conceive of ourselves as bound by those circumstances to perform that action. Since we have various general convictions about moral obligation, no single characteristic leads us to regard right acts as right. When two general convictions conflict, we are not in a position to know what our duty (...)
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  18.  22
    Duty and Interest.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    To the many moral theorists who have sought to establish a necessary connection between duty and interest, Prichard replies that their project ought not to be undertaken as it commits us to the view that our only duty is to do what is to our advantage. In discussing the attempts of Plato, Butler, and Green to link duty and interest, Prichard, like Kant, maintains that the rightness of action does not depend either upon our own good or upon our belief (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Duty and interest.H. A. Prichard - 1928 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
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  20.  18
    Green: Political Obligation.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Analyses Green's rather obscure treatment of two important questions: ‘Why does a subject have the duty to obey the ruler or sovereign?’; and ‘Why is the receipt of an order backed by a threat sufficient to establish this duty when the order comes from a ruler?’ Prichard considers Green's position regarding the grounds and justification for obedience to law to be part of a larger theory of moral obligation that is inconsistent with our ordinary moral ideas. To Green's seeming denial (...)
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  21.  53
    H. W. B. Joseph, 1867-1943.H. A. Prichard - 1944 - Mind 53 (210):189-191.
  22.  13
    Kant's Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Discusses central aspects of Kant's work on the nature of morality and the basis of moral obligation. In examining the categorical imperative and the hypothetical imperative, emphasizes the real nature of the distinction between these principles: whereas the former is binding upon every one, the latter is binding only upon some individuals, namely those individuals who want the end for which a prescribed action is a means. Also considers the nature of the will, Kant's criterion of the rightness of a (...)
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  23. Mr. Bertrand Russell's outline of philosophy.H. A. Prichard - 1928 - Mind 37 (147):265-282.
  24. Mylan ENGEL, Jr. Northern Illinois University.H. A. Prichard - 2000 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 60 (1):99-117.
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  25.  14
    Moral Obligation.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Examines four principle questions about moral obligation raised by key philosophers: Plato asks in The Republic ‘Will a man be better off for doing his duty?’; Plato then asks ‘Ought man to do his duty?’; we may also ask ‘What is the criterion of a duty?’; and we may ask ‘What is moral obligation?’ Rejecting the last question as unreal, Prichard then argues against the connection between duty and happiness or duty and personal or general advantage. After critiquing both teleological (...)
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  26.  5
    Manuscript on Morals.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    To ascertain the truth about the main problems of moral philosophy, Prichard begins by dismissing as unreal the question ‘What is moral obligation?’ Being sui generis, ‘moral obligation’ cannot be defined in terms of other things. We are left with the question ‘What makes right acts right?’, to which Prichard replies there is no general answer. We are also left with the question ‘What, if anything, ought we to do in life?’ After contrasting the moral and the non‐moral senses of (...)
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  27.  14
    Ought.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Prichard's topic here is the nature of ‘ought’. If we were to take ‘I ought to will x’ to be equivalent to ‘my willing x ought to exist’, then it is true that ‘If I were to will a certain change x, my willing x would be something that ought to exist.’ For this to hold, either my willing x would itself be something good or my willing x would cause something good. Prichard, however, rejects this view on the grounds (...)
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  28.  36
    Philosophic pre-copernicanism-an answer.H. A. Prichard - 1910 - Mind 19 (76):541-543.
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  29.  7
    The Meaning of ἀγαθόν In the Ethics of Aristotle.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Endeavours to specify what Aristotle means by αγαθον. In some contexts, this term seems to mean simply ‘that being desired’ or a person's ultimate or non‐ultimate end or aim. In other contexts, αγαθον takes on a normative quality. For his statements to have content, argues Prichard, Aristotle must hold that when we pursue something of a certain kind, such as an honour, we pursue it as a good. Prichard argues that by αγαθον Aristotle actually means ‘conducive to happiness’, and holds (...)
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  30.  9
    The Object of a Desire.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Concerning the nature of desires that pertain to actions, considers the view that we cannot desire something unless we know or think, first, that it does not exist, and second, that it does not exist now. Finds a core of truth in this, but modifies the formula to claim that ‘we can only desire the existence of that of the existence of which in the past, present, or future, as the case may be, we are uncertain.’ Put more simply, a (...)
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  31.  16
    The Psychology of Willing.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Often an action causes both evil and benefit for the agent. No general account can be given for what happens when one considers in light of this evil and benefit whether to undertake the action in question. Prichard maintains that in willing a movement, there are two acts of will. First, there is the willing to think more of what one shall gain in willing x, which results from the desire to will x. Second, there is the willing of the (...)
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  32.  13
    The Time of an Obligation.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In discussing the fact that it takes time to perform an action, distinguishes statements such as ‘I shall do x’ from statements such as ‘I shall be under an obligation to do x’ and ‘I was doing x’ from ‘I was under an obligation to do x’. The truth of the ‘ought’ statements is independent of whether the action is done, as it is not necessary that one not do the action at the time required in order to be under (...)
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  33. [Manuscript Notes on] Mr. H.A. Prichard's Lectures on Kant's Kritik of Pure Reason, [Given in] Michaelmas Term, 1907 and Hilary Term, 1908.H. A. Prichard - 1907 - [S.N.].